Sleek Loves Gel Effect Nails || Manicure Monday

It’s always nice to try a product that exceeds your expectations, I liked the sound of the new Sleek Gel Effect Lacquers but wasn’t expecting them to be amazing.

I started by first trying out Smokin’ Violet and was surprised by just how opaque it actually is, it needed two thin coats for an even application. I also noticed that compared to a lot of other gel polishes it is actually quite thin which makes it easier to apply but still remains pigmented. It also has a great flat brush but I actually struggled to use it as it was positioned a little off compared to the rectangular lid.

I also noticed how long Smokin’ Violet actually lasted, a whole five days which for me is rare and although I did have a little tip wear, there were no chips.

I also have three other colours Waikiki which is a beautiful pastel orange, Coffee Tea or me which is a mauve and that are both as easy to apply as Smokin’ Violet. I also have Sugar Coat Me which is a beautiful colour but as you can probably guess a little less opaque and slightly harder to apply.

I am actually really impressed by this new range from Sleek and look forward to them expanding the fairly small 8 colour range. Apart from the colour selection being a little narrow I would these may actually be the best gel polishes for this price point.

Have you tried any Gel Effect Polishes?

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  1. 19th May 2014 / 4:48 pm

    Awww….the bottles are cute! I might buy few just to get hold of the bottles. LOL


  2. 19th May 2014 / 7:13 pm

    These look so good! I will definitely be checking these out next time i'm at superdrug!

    Laura xx

  3. 20th May 2014 / 11:45 am

    I hate how quickly my polishes chip so gel effect is something I've been looking into a lot, and these look amazing!

  4. 20th May 2014 / 5:28 pm

    I think I might need these in my life… haha x

  5. 20th May 2014 / 10:40 pm

    These look so good! love all of these shades! And also you're nails are so nice aha x

  6. 21st May 2014 / 7:40 pm

    Such gorgeous shades!

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