10 Resolutions to Consider

I assume most of you have you have your new years resolutions sorted and hopefully they’re going well but if you want another one or still haven’t settled on your I thought I would share some of my suggestions. Theres no ‘New Year, New Me’ or lose 20KGs by January 10th rubbish but hopefully you’ll be able to find one that fits what you’re looking to achieve.
1. I will learn to french plait/Fishtail plait
2. I will moisturise my body daily
3. I will experiment more with clothes and makeup
4. I will find a great skincare regime and stick to it
5. I will eat more fruit & veg
6. I will wear SPF daily

7. I will be more positive 
8. I will look after my hair and get regular trims 
9. I will be more organised 
10. I will dedicate more time to others
What is your new year’s resolution? I think I will be trying to be a little more organised which is so much easier said than done for me! 


  1. 1st January 2015 / 8:02 pm

    I love seeing people create their New Years Resolutions as well as making my own 🙂 I was able to accomplish more than I thought I would in 2014 and I'm hoping it will be better this year. Mine are definitely going to be quite similar to yours this 2015! Awesome post xx

  2. 1st January 2015 / 8:13 pm

    My main resolution is to become more confident, but also to grow my blog! Those are pretty big asks so my smaller ones are to learn how to cook a little and to do well in my AS levels.

  3. 1st January 2015 / 8:44 pm

    i love your resolutions they're so realistic and productive. my main one is saving money 🙂 x

  4. 1st January 2015 / 9:01 pm

    These are great resolutions, easy to stick to but super rewarding.

    Wishing you a happy and healthy new year


  5. 1st January 2015 / 9:51 pm

    Great resolutions!! I havent thought about mine yet, but I think that getting a part time job would be a good idea for now! x

    Happy New Year 🙂

    Fabi | http://www.agirlandherstripes.com

  6. 1st January 2015 / 10:47 pm

    Some great goals. I need to SPF daily, I like to think I'm good at remembering but in truth I often forget. I need to switch off from the internet & visit friends & family more. Thats for sure a goal of mine in 2015

  7. 2nd January 2015 / 1:50 am

    These are all such good ones that fly under the radar! SPF is a big one for me, I always forget it. x


  8. 5th January 2015 / 1:09 pm

    I'm with Caitlin. For starters, I need to wash my makeup brushes more often. I go way too long without deep cleanings but I'm trying to get better. I also want to stay on top of my nighttime skincare routine. I have a bad habit of falling asleep without washing my face and brushing my teeth. Definitely doing better this year! Great post!

    Follow me to Fancieland!

  9. 5th January 2015 / 7:22 pm

    "I will learn to french plait/Fishtail plait" – this made me smile, I get super jealous when I see hair inspo posts on instagram, I just can't figure it out haha!

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