Easy Curls…

When it comes to doing my hair I always start with by giving my hair a quick wash and blow dry. Although I don’t tend to be too picky about shampoo, I have to use some sort of volume spray and start by drying it upside down. I’ve recently been using the Babyliss Diamond Radiance Blow Dryer as it has three heat and power settings which I think is an essential for an at home blow dry!

I’ve also been giving the Babyliss Curl Secret a go, after looking at it for a while I’ve finally had a chance to try it and it’s completely unlike anything I have ever tried. If you don’t know how the Curl Secret works you slide a section of hair into the tool, press the sides together and the hair will then get sucked in (it’s not painful!) and beeps when the hair is ready to be realised.

I thought it was going to be a little difficult to use but it is actually the easiest tool I have ever used to achieve curls. The curls you get are quite tight and I don’t feel that you have quite as much control as a tong or wand but it’s so easy to use that I simply don’t find myself reaching for anything else. It’s great if like me, you always burn yourself with a tong and it makes curling the back of your hair particularly easy in comparison. It also has a few different heat and time settings to help you get the curl you want but I still don’t think I’ve mastered it.

A great alternative to a hair tong especially for beginners or someone looking to get perfect curls quickly and easily. It is quite expensive but no more than you would pay for highend straighteners so worth looking into if you curl your hair regularly.

I’m sure I’ll be using it over the weekend


  1. 13th March 2015 / 6:17 pm

    I also have the Curl Secret and really don't use it as much as I should.
    I find it really hard to get used to but I always get great results when I do.
    Great post
    Leanne xx

  2. 13th March 2015 / 9:07 pm

    I have tried the Babyliss Curl Secret and hated how tight the curls were even when i brushed them about, i love using my Babyliss Wave Envy which is amazing for the natural wavy look x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

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