Today I discovered a website that I really want to share with all my student readers! I was with my friend and asked her how I can go about buying an NUS card but she told me that I could instead sign up to UNiDays which is free and basically like an NUS card just online.
They offer discount in stores like Topshop, ASOS, Look Fantastic and Urban Outfitters and I am talking up to 25%!!
To sign up you do need to verify you are a student but it just means you need to log into your uni portal online which is easy enough.
Click here to register I would really recommend it! (& its free!)
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Argh, this is the only reason I wish I was a student, I miss student discount 🙁
Beth @
I love unidays, such a great site. I'm in collage and it's such a great way to get discounts.
I love this website:)!
*jealous* …makes me wanna be a student!
Jackie @ Minerva Collection UK Handbags&Jewellery
Ive used this website! Its amazing 🙂