You’re Invited! Boots Twitter Chat #GiveItAGo

I have been super excited to share that I am hosting the Boots Twitter Party/Chat next week with one of my favourite bloggers, Fee from…

Idea for Instagram Posts

My ‘10 Blog Post Ideas‘ posts are usually quite popular however I’ve now also ran out of ideas of posts so instead thought I would…

Blogger Photo Backgrounds to Consider

Finding a background can often be quite a difficult decision, especially if you want to change it up every now and then. More and more…

My Blogger Desk Essentials

 Of course a bloggers desk varies from person to person but these are my personal must-haves which I think you too may find useful if…

10 More Beauty post ideas #4

1. Easy Nail Art 2. 5 Favourite Budget Blushers 3. My Brow Routine 4. Top 5 Perfumes 5. Hair Tools I couldn’t live without 6.…

Finding Inspiration: Blogging Tips

I’ve been blogging for quite a while now but still I have weeks where I am less inspired than others. Some weeks I can’t type…

10 More Blog post Ideas #3

Watch by Caravelle 1. 5/10 Minute Makeup 2. Beauty Blogs everyone should follow 3. Products I regret buying 4. Top 5 Eyeshadows 5. 10 Beauty products…