What’s in my liquids bag

I’ve never travel just with hand luggage but last week on my two day trip to Glasgow I was unable to take a check in…

Getting rid of expired makeup

Just like food expires so does makeup and when it does it can be harmful so you should throw it out. By now most of…

Making the most out of your Makeup Collection

Since it’s January and most of us should probably not buy any more makeup, I thought I’d address how to make the most out of…

Updating Your Makeup Bag for Summer

I’m not claiming you need a whole new makeup wardrobe and of course you don’t have to chose to make any changes but just incase…

What is in my Paris Makeup Bag

Last week I shared with you what was in my Paris Toiletry bag and today I am sharing my makeup bag. I tried no too…

What’s in my Paris Toiletry Bag

As you may know last weekend I went to Paris for the weekend and I thought I would share what was in my toiletry bag.…

Spring Cleaning Your Makeup Bag

Makeup Bag from Becksondergaard // Tissues and Mirror from Mad Beauty At the beginning of the year we spoke about clearing out our Make up…