Today’s post is written by Karla from Beauty and Beyond who is kindly sharing her current favourite makeup products…
Hi! Im Karla from Beauty and Beyond… and Sabrina has kindly let me guest post on her blog so I thought I’d show you my favourite make-up products which I’m using right now.
1. Witch skin primer
I bought this when I had a really bad out break of spots and didn’t want to stop wearing make-up to try to get rid of them. This primer contains witch hazel which is an anti-blemish ingredient and it also acts as a base for you to apply your make-up. It really helped to clear up my skin and I’ve been using it ever since!
2. Bourjois Clubbing mascara
I’ve only recently started using this and it’s amazing! It gives amazing length to your lashes and it builds up nicely to give the look of lovely thick, long lashes.
3. Bourjois smoky eye palette
I’m rubbish at building up eyeshadow colours and creating smoky looks so these palettes are right up my street. They contain three co-ordinating shades and on the back it has a guide on how to use them to create the ‘smoky’ look. The finish of them is inbetween a matte and a slight shimmer and they are perfect for everyday wear or to create a more intense look for evening wear.
4. Maybelline gel eyeliner
I bought this after hearing amazing stuff about it from other bloggers and they weren’t wrong. It’s really easy to apply whether you want a thin or a thicker line, it’s easy to build up and it is highly pigmented – it is a proper black!
5. 17 mirror shine lipsticks
Once again these were products which everyone raves about. I have 3 shades and my favourite has to be Belle. They give a nice sheer finish and there are shades for every mood! I use these all the time and will definitely purchase more shades.
So there we have it my favourite make-up products at the moment. Please let me know if you’ve tried any of these and what products you’re loving at the moment and thank you to Sabrina for allowing me to do this guest post!
Thanks so much for the guest post, I must try the Bourjois Mascara as I usually love them! Check out Karla’s blog here.
Ahhhh amazing, it didn't even cross my mind that witch would do a primer! I need one because my MAC foundation keeps sliding off after a few hours (and I don't even have oily skin) so I was going to get an expensive one this weekend, but looking at the reviews for the witch one online it seems this one would be perfect.
Does it keep your foundation in place for longer??
Thanks for posting! xxx.
@Emma – I find that it does keep my foundation in place for longer, I use powder mineral foundation, but everyone who's used it seems to love it x
what a great drug store selection!!! I am dying to try the bourjois mascara/ a drugstore mascara that doesn't start flaking on me! ty 🙂
The primer sounds amazing, especially since my skin is going mental at the moment!
Thanks Karla 🙂 Going to give this a try for my holiday xx.
I think i may have to invest in the Witch Skin Primer, sounds fantastic!
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I love reading about other peoples favourite products – always gives me the urge to go shopping!
I've also done a favourites post you might want to check out
Life is good when some authors like post their articles!