Innocent Drink- Big Knit

 Although smoothies is not something I usually blog about I just couldn’t believe how cute this were when I got them, I mean drinks with woolly hats- how cute is that?! I love Innocent smoothies because they offer you two of your five a day in such a quick and convenient way.

The hats on the bottles aren’t there in case the bottles get cold and need some extra warmth instead they are part of one of Innocent’s Facebooks games to help raise money for charity, I just couldn’t help but blog about it since its for a good cause!

How to play:
The special little hatted bottles are available in Sainsbury’s and Boots throughout November. To play the hat tag game, hold the little hat over anyone (or anything) so that it looks like they’re wearing the hat, take a picture and upload it here. Innocent will donate 10p to Age UK for every picture uploaded, be giving away smoothies to the weekly winners and award £500 in Amazon vouchers to the 3 photos with the most votes overall on 2nd December! 

 I really hope I can get my picture up by Friday! Such fun and for a good cause!

What do you think of Innocent’s came?

Sabrina X
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  1. 1st December 2011 / 12:16 pm

    I love these little woolly hats! I think it's such a great idea to help a worthy cause, I'll be stocking up on my favourite Mango & Passion fruit smoothie!

    Mollie xo

  2. Anonymous
    1st December 2011 / 2:09 pm

    I remember when they did these in 2009 the little hats are so cute! đŸ™‚

  3. 1st December 2011 / 3:37 pm

    I love these little guys! I have a couple stashed in a box from last year. So cute! xx

  4. 1st December 2011 / 4:54 pm

    I love the look and sound of these but i cant find them anywhere! theyre so cute and going to a good cause, i need to hunt them down!

  5. 2nd December 2011 / 12:21 am

    I just to drink this smooties when I was living in London and I love them!

  6. 5th December 2011 / 9:32 am

    So cool! I actually made some hats for innocent this year, but I never see those bottles with hats on sale over here!

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