My 5 Must Have Free Apps

8 Tracks, Free
I’ve been using this app for about a year now but don’t hear much about it. I’m assuming it’s quite similar to Spotify which I have never used, I always chose the genre and flick through the albums. I always find new songs or am reminded of old ones, no a day goes by without me using this app!

Stylist Magazine (on Newsstand), Free
Now days few good things come for free and magazines can be very expensive which is why I love that Stylist Magazine is free and available on iTunes. It’s honestly one of my favourite magazines as it cover’s everything from lifestyle and travel to food and beauty. It makes me so happy that I no longer have to worry about getting to a tube station every Wednesday morning or having to stalk that lady on the tube that may just put her Stylist magazine down.

VSCO Cam, Free
I use to have lots of different photo apps but having discovered this I’ve delete all of them. It does all I need an app to do without silly fancy bits which I don’t ever remember to use. I love that it gives you so many filters (you can purchase more) and the option to rotate and crop exactly as you want.

Pinterest, Free
If you’re not much of an App Game lover but want something to keep you occupied and entertained than Pinterest is perfect. It’s even easier to use then the online one but is still packed full of beautiful and inspiring images which you can get lost in.

Nike+ Running, Free
I haven’t used this app as I much as I should have the last few months but I think it’s a great app if you go running (also recommend Couch 2 5K). I love that you can see where you were going faster/slower and that it saves them so you can track your progress too.

What are your top 5 free apps?

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  1. 31st May 2014 / 2:01 pm

    I miss Stylist so much now that I'm in Canada, so I'll have to download it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. 31st May 2014 / 2:03 pm

    8tracks is such a great ap, i always come across new songs that i instantly fall in love with. The only bummer is that you can't skip tracks!

    Love, Ana


  3. 31st May 2014 / 2:44 pm

    Tracks sounds great! Off to download that now! I love stylist magazine and have the app, its fab to have a read through!

  4. 31st May 2014 / 9:11 pm

    I saw Stylist but thought it wasn't going to be completely free… considering with the glamour app it said free at first but then you had to pay for issues so it was a waste of time downloading it considering I was already subscribed to the paper copy! Now that I know, I'll definitely get it, thanks! <3

  5. 1st June 2014 / 1:56 am

    This is a brilliant post, thank you and I will definitely give these a go!

  6. 1st June 2014 / 3:13 am

    VSCO cam is amazing, it makes editing so simple! The filters are a lot better than Instragrams as well.

  7. 1st June 2014 / 11:04 am

    Thanks for recommending the Stylist Magazine! Just what I was looking for 🙂 x

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