Weekend Wishlist

I can’t help but find it a little amusing that my wishlist has an accidental black and metallic theme but apparently that’s what I am currently lusting over…

Gucci G Timeless Watch, £525
I have a love for watches and think this Gucci one from The Watch Gallery is particularly classic, I love the bracelet and the simple face.

RI Gold Mule Sandals, £28
I was sure I wouldn’t like Birkenstocks but actually have grown to really like them but do think they are a little pricey. I love these River Island alternatives which are affordable and come in my favourite colour, gold!

MAC Studio Sculpt,
I swore I would never go near a MAC foundation again but whilst avoiding the rain this week I took refuge at the Selfridges counter and tried on Studio Sculpt which I actually loved the finish of! Best part was I didn’t get a break out the next day and once I have finished my tester (and if my skin likes it) I’ll be getting a full bottle.

YSL Shocking Mascara,
It’s no secret this is my favourite mascara, I thought I could live without but there seems to be a gold shiny hole in my heart which may requite me to repurchase this.

Lipstick Print $25
I’m trying to build up a collection of prints and I have fallen in love with this one and it’s affordable too!

Wellco Super Elixir
This week I had the pleasure of attending the Elle Macpherson talk at Selfridges for the launch of the Super Elixir at £96 it’s expensive for a months worth but it still sounds interesting and I would love to see how it performed, I mean who would want to look like Elle- how is she 50?!

Sisley Self Tan Facial Skin Care
I also at attend a Sisley talk and it seems everyone is talking about Sisley recently, my wishlist keeps getting longer and longer but I have been told that the self tan is really something special!

What is currently on your wishlist?

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  1. 25th May 2014 / 3:47 am

    I've had studio sculpt before and I think it's a really nice foundation. I have really bad skin so I love wearing full coverage foundation but stress about how it will affect my skin. It was a while ago I tried it but I did really enjoy using it. Just don't forget to take it off before going to bed! haha


  2. 25th May 2014 / 8:41 am

    Love the sound of the Sisley bronzer – I'm on the lookout for something like that!!

    Josie xoxo | Fashion Mumblr

  3. 25th May 2014 / 11:05 am

    I've never tried studio sculpt. I've used the mineralise foundation which I wasn't too keen on and the regular studio fix.Maybe studio sculpt is the gem in the foundation collection!


  4. 25th May 2014 / 1:31 pm

    I never would have thought I'd be into Birkenstocks either (my 15 year old self will be so disappointed) & I adore those River Island gold ones – such a nice twist on a classic.

    Emily xx // http://www.beautybunnyy.blogspot.co.uk

  5. 25th May 2014 / 1:46 pm

    I love the watch so much 🙂
    Michela xx

  6. 25th May 2014 / 5:04 pm

    I've been thinking about trying out MAC's Studio Sculpt for awhile now. I must go in and get a tester to see if my skins happy with it! 🙂

    XO, G from grace'd

  7. 26th May 2014 / 1:42 am

    I'm dying to give the YSL mascaras a try, but there's so many other things on my wishlist too. It will happen, sooner or later. The lipstick print is absolutely adorable!!

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