5 Things to Do this Weekend #11

1. Relax with a hydrating face mask
Earlier in the week I shared my favourite face mask, 80% off which were amazingly hydrating! You obviously don’t have to use the once I recommend, instead rediscover one you already own.

2. Book an opticians appointment
Last week I booked an appointment at Boots Optician to get my eyes looked at and I even bought a beautiful pair of Dolce & Gabanna glasses which I’ll share soon. It’s amazing the difference a correct pair of lenses makes even if you don’t have particularly bad vision.

3. Go for a run
So it’s probably a little late to start working on this summers body but it’s a great time to start working on next summers body. Not only is cardio great for weight loss I find it makes me feel that little bit happier especially when I beat yesterdays run.

4. Visit the sea side
Theres something about a sea breeze.

5. Master head-to-toe white
I use to hate all white outfits but they’ve really grown on me and I would be sporting them all summer if I had managed to find a great pair of white jeans. Heres some of my favourite outfits…

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Have a lovely weekend! Let me know what you have planned in the comments. 
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  1. 26th July 2014 / 7:07 am

    Love the outfits, there's definitely something about a sea breeze, I visited the beach in Durham and Inverness last weekend it was lovely, this weekend is going to be spent doing the washing, ironing and food shopping (yawn!) x


  2. 26th July 2014 / 8:24 am

    Love the head to toe white! I have the same problem about white jeans though,…
    Also, this is funny but I seriously needed a reminder about the optician haha
    I mainly use contact lenses and it is the end of the month, so I was going to get them checked. Particularly because I am finding myself seeing more and more things blurry that I swear I could see before! xx Lara

  3. 26th July 2014 / 10:34 am

    Will definitely be going for a run and trying a new face mask

  4. 26th July 2014 / 11:40 am

    Great tips Hun. I agree with the working out and seaside – make the most of the country we live in and the body's we have!

    Cat from OutsideBeautyInsideHealth

  5. 26th July 2014 / 7:26 pm

    I've never in my life been to the opticians! Wondering whether I should now for a pair of super chic glasses!

    pippibee.blogspot.co.uk xx

  6. 28th July 2014 / 6:06 am

    Love these white outfit <3 I have fourth one. I like you weekend plan. I wanna include hydrating face mask and Visit the sea side in my list

    Beauty Tips

  7. 29th July 2014 / 4:23 pm

    will defo being trying a new hydrating face mask this weekend after working long shifts all weekend be great to pamper my skin, great post and really great ideas

  8. 29th July 2014 / 8:26 pm

    those outfits are hot! dont know if i could put it off thought would end up spilling something all down myself! I need to book an opticians appointment so bad im just too lazy ha


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