January Favourites

january favourites

I’m not really too sure how we’re into the second month of 2016 but we sure are! I’m hoping February will be a fun month so I’m actually really looking forward  to it but more on that over the next few weeks…

January was a bit a fail in terms of working out but I did manage to try quite a lot of beauty items, many of which had been in my house for a while but I hadn’t got around to trying them. It was also drugstore week which forced me to try some inexpensive products and that was probably my favourite part of January. I’m fortunate enough to get send a fair amount of higher end products, meaning I often reach for the more luxurious over the more inexpensive but the drugstore is a truly great place! I discovered some great drugstore items and I also wrote a bit of a guide to the UK drugstore if you need a bit of guidance around Boots or Superdrugs.


    • Sabrina
      6th February 2016 / 2:48 pm

      Thank you! xx

    • Sabrina
      6th February 2016 / 2:47 pm

      It seems everyone is talking about it, it’s so good! x

    • Sabrina
      6th February 2016 / 2:47 pm

      It’s amazing! xx

  1. 6th February 2016 / 9:41 am

    i love favorites posts/videos! your video was so cute hehe x

    Natalie / Salt & Sail

    • Sabrina
      6th February 2016 / 2:47 pm

      So Kind, thank you! Xx

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