One month into Bullet Journaling

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I first heard about Bullet Journaling from Lily Pebbles on Twitter, after a quick Google I realised it was probably something I would enjoy and similar to my current system. If you’re still unsure as to what Bullet Journaling is then head over to Lily’s blog post here to find out more.

I’ve never really had one notebook and instead used a few different pads of paper and notebooks for different things. I like to have timetables and lists but use to keep these separate and was very much drawn to the idea that I could have these all together in a diary that I designed myself to suit all my needs.

Getting started was a little scary but there are guides all over the internet and I opted for the Leuchtturm Dotted notebook. I decided that I wasn’t going to be too precious with mine and not worry too much about my horrible writing or bother trying to improve my cursive. I do occasionally still decorate my pages because it’s fun but usually with washi tape or small doodles.

I want my Bullet Journal to be across between a journal, organiser and a place for all my notes and lists. I started by adding in the organiser aspect and drawing out some calendars and adding in important dates. I also added a page to track my blog stats, a quotes page, a page with all the hotels I’m staying at this year as I think it’ll be cool to look back on in the future, a list of films I’ve seen this year, blog post ideas, a list of things to pack every time I go away and more. This might not be how everyone else uses their journal but I’m really enjoying all these lists.

At the end/beginning of every day/month/week I start a new page or section where I plan for the time ahead, write to-do lists and brainstorm ideas. I don’t do this on a absolutely daily basis but when I am having an at home productive day then I think it really helps and theres  even a key on how you should mark items once they’re done. I also love starting the new month, drawing out a timetable of posts and I really find that getting everything helps me stay on track.

I think my Bullet Journal isn’t really like the ones you see on Pinterest but I’m really enjoying and finding it useful. I know a lot of people already have a sort of DIY diary which is great, there is no need to change over to a Bullet Journal but if you’re overwhelmed by all the notebooks and pieces of paper that you may have then I would really recommend considering a BuJo.

One more thing, I do still use my diary/organiser as I like that all the dates are written out until the end of the year but much much less and I really wish I hadn’t bought a one-page-a-day one, I now write all my lists in my BuJo. I am considering moving my calendar onto my phone but I do love writing it all down.

Have you tried Bullet Journalling? What if your current system like?



  1. Charlotte
    3rd March 2016 / 9:19 pm

    Im starting one of these soon I can’t wait 😀

  2. 3rd March 2016 / 9:56 pm

    Looks like new interesting way to stay productive! I’m still using a notebook and DIY style myself. However, I def think i’ll try it out.

  3. 3rd March 2016 / 11:40 pm

    I’ve never heard of this before and find it very intriguing! I have notes and post-its filled with ideas and task. While that system works, it could be much more efficient! This is something I may have to give a try!

    Brittany |

  4. Claire
    3rd March 2016 / 11:59 pm

    I started using a bullet journal at the beginning of February, and would be lost without it now as it really helps me to stay organised and make sure I remember to get stuff done that’s important.

    Claire ||

  5. Erin (MakeErinOver)
    4th March 2016 / 8:45 pm

    I love your pictures, the suitcases are the cutest things! I would so do this if I wasn’t so pencil challenged, I don’t even like my handwriting never mind my drawings lol. I do all mine in to do lists and a grid format planner. I so wish I was creative enough to do that though! looks fab 🙂

  6. 5th March 2016 / 1:45 am

    I don’t really have a system and I don’t keep a journal… but this concept does make sense to me.

  7. 13th March 2016 / 10:51 pm

    Iv always wanted to start one of these but need to make the time to sit down and really organise my life into one! Definitely reading your post has given me that push and I’m now online searching for a notebook I like

  8. 22nd March 2016 / 5:39 pm

    I loveee the idea of bullet journalling, but I think it would just take me so much time to draw all the little diagrams and I’d probably end up not doing anything I’m supposed to do :’) Maybe over the summer I’ll give it a go! I have separate notebooks for different things too, it would be pretty handy to have them all in the one place though!

    Amy xx

  9. 10th May 2016 / 9:21 am

    I’ve just been browsing blogs for about 5-10 minutes and you’re the second post I’ve come across about bullet journaling. My interest is PEAKED. I love your journal it is too cute!!

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