What I learnt from Bullet Journaling for a year

This time last year I was thinking about starting a Bullet Journal, they had become quite popular online and I thought they were really similar…

One month into Bullet Journaling

I first heard about Bullet Journaling from Lily Pebbles on Twitter, after a quick Google I realised it was probably something I would enjoy and similar…

Getting the most out of your wardrobe

Photo: Credit A few months ago whilst away on a trip with P&G to Brussels and I was surprised to learn that the average person…

Getting rid of expired makeup

Just like food expires so does makeup and when it does it can be harmful so you should throw it out. By now most of…

Making the most out of your Makeup Collection

Since it’s January and most of us should probably not buy any more makeup, I thought I’d address how to make the most out of…

My Blogger Desk Essentials

 Of course a bloggers desk varies from person to person but these are my personal must-haves which I think you too may find useful if…

5 Things to do this Bank Holiday: Spring Cleaning

Lots of you seem to have enjoyed my earlier spring cleaning posts that I thought I would bring you another bank holiday weekend special since…