The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #6

1. Stay in bed all morning- after all it was Valentine’s Day Yesterday! 2.  Follow LFW on their website and on Twitter (here) 3. Tired…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #5

1. Perfect your blow drying technique Earlier in the week I posted about my tips on how to blow dry your hair and all the…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #4

1. Treat yourself to a ‘duvet day’ and indulge in breakfast in bed. It seems like it has been raining for days (it has, hasn’t…

The Saturday Post: 5 things to do this weekend #3

1. Sort out your emails It seems a lot of you joined me last week in having a good laptop clear out and deleted all…

The Saturday Post: 5 things to do this weekend #2

Source 1. Organise your laptop/tablet/phone (can you tell I’m trying to be more organised?) I done this one earlier in the week and it made…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things To Do This Weekend

Image from here Via Pinterest 1. Still not had that beauty clear out we spoke about last week? Well now is the time, take an hour…