I have seen a few post about Stargazer polishes but have actually not tried any and if I am totally honest I am quite unsure where I would even buy them.
I got this colour in a goody bag and is completely my sort of colour, I love cream pale pinks. This is quite a blue toned one so I think would look nicer with tanned hands. It applied quite well needing only two coats for an opaque and flawless colour- it lasted a few days with only tip wear and no chipping.
Have you tried any Stargazer polishes?
Sabrina X
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the color is really pretty and i love pastels! the ball packaging is super cute too
This is a gorgeous colour, you have great nails though 🙂
Lovely Lilac colour x http://stylecrazii.blogspot.com/
ive got a similar colour xx
Such a pretty colour, perfect for spring 🙂 x
Beautiful colour. Will fit well for spring. I don't have a colour like this at the moment so I'll have to pick it up (:
I'm in love with this colour! Perfect for summer!x
Such a gorgeous shade! xx
I haven't tried a Star Gazer polish in yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaars, but this is absolutely gorgeous – I'd buy that, and reckon it would be worn a lot! x
Love the colour and i heard they are quite cheap!
I've tried one and it was utter crap! Different consistency than this though, it was more of a shimmery one. This looks much better
loving the color! thinking about painting my nails in essie french affair now… 🙂
Your nails are so beautiful, how do you keep them so strong?? The length is gorgeous and natural???
I have a few stargazer polishes, but like you i have no clue where you buy them! But the colours i have are really pretty, i love this colour too! 🙂 xx
Love the bottle x
I've never tried these before I think I have seen them in my local Sally's as I was eyeing up a top coat.
Lovely colour xx
Really pretty, perfect for spring 😀
That is actually such a gorgeous colour! <3 i love it
New look sometimes do stargazers, other then that ive only ever seen it in alternative shops as stargazers is much more associated with coloured hair dye, so your looking for shops such as blue banana, rowfers, oasis market, however stargazers do have a website, maybe you could find it on there?
the colour is gorgeous! 🙂 xx
Your nails look so healthy and long! 🙂
I really like this coulour ! Stargazer always come out with such nice colours and sometimes some great unusual ones too !
Clay xx
This reminds me of Barry M's 'Berry Icecream'. I've only ever tried one stargazer nail polish, had it a few years now but from what I remember I was pretty impressed. Might go and check out what they have to offer these days!
Gorgeous! Your nails are in such good condition.
Stargazer are so fabulous. The products are great especially considering the inexpensive price. I visit the site regularly to stock pile my supplies! http://www.stargazer-products.com