Twitter- Sabrinalovesyou
I update Twitter a little too much and it is a great place to catch me if you have any questions or simply want to find out what I am up to.
Instagram – A_littleobsessed
I must admit I bought an iPhone simply for Instagram and I love it! I am forever posting pictures of food, my nails and yes, myself but as I am a very nosey person it is probably my favourite app! If you’re interested in seeing what makeup/nail polish I wear daily it is a good place to follow me.
Facebook –A Little Obsessed
I have been making a real effort with my Facebook recently. I post links to everything new on my blog, post pictures and recently held a giveaway. It’s also a nice place to start a conversation as everyone can see and get involved.
Bloglovin’- A Little Obsessed
I fell out of love with Bloglovin’ for a little bit but I have started using it/loving it again! It is really easy to follow everyone and you get a really great timeline of all your favourite bloggers. I also love that you can ‘Like’ a blog post which saves it for future reference. It’s also a great way to discover new bloggers!
YouTube- ALittleObsessedUK
Thanks so much for everyone that has already subscribed, I know it isn’t the best channel ever but I promise I am working on it and really want to make at least a video a week this year (lets see how long that lasts!) A few of you subscribed yesterday and that really helped motivate me. Hopefully I will get a chance tomorrow to make another video!
and as a little added extra I thought I would quickly talk about five bloggers I have been loving!
The Black Pearl Blog
What I Heart Today
Hello October
Essie Button
I hope to see you over on one of these social media platforms!
What blogs have you been loving recently?
Twitter/ Facebook/ Bloglovin’
I Just Subscribed To your youtube channel, i love it 🙂 please upload more videos i would love to see a makeup collection video !
I am trying, it's just finding the time (and tidying my room so that I have space haha) thanks for subscribing! XX
Thank you for the tip off about un-observed, just spent ages reading their blog. Keep us updated on any other new blog finds! x
I'll try to, it's just hard to find a way to fit it in. Her blog's great isn't it! X
your mug is so pretty! I love this design!
Thanks it was a sale purchase! X
The book by Jemma Kidd is the one I've been interested in for a long long time! 🙂 I've been loving sweet-scented candles at the moment, I love B&BW candles that I got from eBay!
The Beauty Maniac in Tokyo
I will be reviewing the book soon, keep an eye out! X
Aww, thanks for the mention Sabrina. It means a lot to me. Your blog was one of the first ones I found back in 2009 🙂 x
Aw, your blog is fab! Everyone seems to agree! X
I have a facebook page for my blog, but apart from having it linked to my twitter and posting a link to my latest blog posts I really neglect it. I think I need to try and use it more this year. x
You should, I know its hard! Having them linked means it doesn't appear as much on peoples feed X
Your hair looks gorgeous in the second photo- full of volume!
Love your youtube videos, more please!
I've just started blogging myself, your blog has definitely been one of my favourites!
I will try! Blog looks great, jealous of your cosy fireplace XX
How have I only just come across your blog? Crikey, I've been missing out! Definitely going to follow you now! I also love the blogs you've mentioned 🙂 xxx.
Haha aw thanks! Been reading yours a little while now!
They're all fab aren't they! X
I love this blog! 🙂
We can couch for your twitter feed, entertaining and you always answer our beauty queries! Off to find you on FB now…
R x
Aw thanks, I will admit I'm not quite as good on Facebook! X