Video: What’s in My Handbag

I’ve been trying to do videos for the last few months and finally made one. It was a very easy (and admittedly not that exciting) what’s in my handbag featuring my Knomo Lola. I’ve had this bag for a little while now and although it’s a little pricey it’s the perfect size for me. It fits my laptop comfortably and also offers extra protection so that it doesn’t break. It’s really well made with lots of little pockets inside and out, I even love that the lining is purple as it makes it that little bit easier to find things. It even comes with a dust bag perfect for storing it in or using it when packing this bag when traveling.

Check out the description section of the video for more info and please don’t forget to subscribe!

Would be great to hear your feedback on the video and if you have any ideas for future ones. Hopefully I will have another video up for you next week….
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  1. 26th July 2013 / 10:26 pm

    I NEED this bag in my life, I asked the guy in Apple if they had laptop bags that didnt look like laptop bags and he looked at me like i was mad! This is exactly what i wanted and it still fits in all the other stuff you carry day to day! Pay day is next week I know what I want!!

  2. 27th July 2013 / 3:10 am

    Your bag is to die for! And your headband, so cute!

  3. 27th July 2013 / 8:49 am

    Cute post, thanks! I LOVE your nails!

  4. 27th July 2013 / 9:24 am

    Love the handbag, you should make more videos! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  5. 27th July 2013 / 11:56 pm

    Really good video. Must say you come across very natural. I too have a blog but haven't really gathered the courage to make a video yet. Fingers crossed!

  6. 8th August 2013 / 4:49 am

    I bought my first Knomo wallet a few years back, and LOVED it. Snagged it for such a great deal…have wanted something more from the brand, but haven't had a chance to look in to it more. They aren't as easily accessible where I live. Anyway this bad looks great! Love that it is so versatile~

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