5 Must Haves on a City Break

I’ve spent the last few days in Paris (Post on that soon) so I thought I would share my top five must have items for any City Break.

Eye Mask If you are travelling for just a few days I would recommend getting as much sleep as you can before hand as you will probably be cramming as much as possible in just a few days. I recommend a few hours sleeping on the train, plain or car and an Eye Mask will really help that but may also come in handy if your hotel curtains aren’t quite as thick as you’d hope

Product mini’s I save all my mini samples for trips away, they are perfect for making travelling that little lighter, you don’t need to carry them back (freeing up space for shopping!) and you get to try new products whilst away.

Bright Lipstick You don’t often have too long in between tourist attractions to do your makeup but a bright lipstick really helps it look like you’ve made an effort. I’ve been loving some great Revlon and Topshop lipsticks.

Wipes You can get wipes for everything from hand wipes, eye makeup remover, deodorant wipes and more which come in super handy and saves you carrying large bottles of variously lotions and potions. Check out Halo whose wipes I have been loving recently.

Portable Charger I LOVE my portable charger especially when using my phone to take photos, using my maps as well as for social media which always drains my battery. Mine’s (here) quite a big one but it provides 9 whole charges but you can find cheaper ones which are also great!

As an added extra my friend recommends packing a few tea bags (as we did) it just makes long walks a little more bearable especially as I’m not a huge herbal tea drinker.

What are you must have city break items?
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  1. 21st February 2014 / 11:16 pm

    I always get excited when I see topshop lipsticks, they are so gorgeous and under-rated. Brilliant recommendations bdw, though I'm not a fan of using wipes on my face I'm a massive fan of the deodorant wipes, so handy!


    • 21st February 2014 / 11:49 pm

      I agree (although I am yet to try the deodorant ones) I do love the eye and hand ones!

  2. 22nd February 2014 / 6:32 am

    I love your keychains and can't wait to read about your trip!

  3. 24th February 2014 / 5:50 am

    Thanks for this post, I'll be checking out Topshop lipstick soon. No idea why, was never interested before.

  4. 25th February 2014 / 9:36 am

    Such practical things to have with you! Thanks for the tips! If I may, another great thing you may want to bring with you are oil blot sheets for your face! They're great to use to take off any access oils that are collecting on your face throughout the day. Nonetheless, you have a great list here!

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