Combatting Allergy Face with Benadryl

I love spring and summer, it’s my absolute favourite! But with spring and summer comes hay fever and I hate hay fever. Hay fever is…

Black Friday Tips & Discount Codes

Black Friday seems to have come earlier than I expected this year and I’ve seen sales go up since last week so I thought I…

Packing a carry-on suitcase

I use to thinking packing just a carry-on was basically mission impossible but this year I’ve definitely learnt it’s actually not that tricky. If you’re…

How To Drink More Water

I’ve been getting lots of questions about how I drink so much water, I’m not usually someone that does drinks much but in the last…

Getting a good nights sleep

I’ve never been a huge fan of sleep, generally finding it a bit of a nusicance but recently I just can’t get enough of it…

Six Winter Fashion Tips

I’m a summer gal, I love bare legs, summer dress and an arm stacked full of brightly coloured bracelets. However, I live in London and…

5 Things to do before a short trip

Beauty 1. Hair removal Not the most glamorous but the last thing I want to worry about whilst I’m away is if I have shaven…