Elegant Touch Express Press On Instant Nails

 At the beginning of the year (which doesn’t seem any where near as long ago as it actually is!) I was invited down to talk press on nails and enjoy some cake and tea with Jameela Jamal who is the new face of Elegant Touch Express Nails. I’m not sure what I was expecting her to be like but she was super down to earth and friendly.

Jameela explained that her life can be very busy and loves a quick and easy mani in the back of a cab. She spoke about her initial struggles with fashion when first on television but how she feels that nail art can be a really fun and easy way to experiment with colours. Unlike fashion where you may feel you have to look a certain way when it comes to press on nails they’re nondiscriminatory.

I don’t often wear press on nails myself as I actually have quite strong, long nails but these seem like a fabulous alternative for anyone that doesn’t or does but is simply looking for a quick on the go manicure. I haven’t had a chance to use them yet (I always save stuff like this for days I want particularly nice nails) but they claim to last 7 days and instead of using glue they come with preglued adhesive pads which makes them particularly great for on the go. They come in 24 different patterns and colours from neon to nudes and various nail art patterns.

When said special day comes and I finally decide to wear these I will be sure to post another update.
I would love to know what you think of these nails and have you tried them?

Currently available from Boots for £7.99

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    • 2nd April 2014 / 7:01 pm

      Me too but these are quite short so I think you can get away with them XX

  1. 31st March 2014 / 11:05 pm

    I have never heard of these before but just love the prints/designs and the classic french mani <3 I will have to get myself a pack of these to try out x


  2. 1st April 2014 / 9:13 am

    I receive these in a Glossybox last year and was really impressed! They really do last up to 7 days and the selection of art & colours to chose from is fab. Definitely not for everyday but loved them for an occasion 🙂

    • 2nd April 2014 / 6:59 pm

      That's great to hear, need to find an excuse to wear them now! XX

  3. 1st April 2014 / 3:07 pm

    Oooh those look so good!!
    Afeeyah xo

    New post ~http://smilerrr.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/my-top-3-hero-face-masks-reviews.html

  4. 1st April 2014 / 7:25 pm

    I'm trying out the Boradway nails version of these at the minute, as I got them in a goody bag, and although like you I don't usually wear/like fake nails I do see the appeal in press-ons. No sticky, damaging glue and super fast and easy! x

    • 2nd April 2014 / 6:41 pm

      It's great for when you simply don't have the time to wait for your nails to dry.

  5. 2nd April 2014 / 3:50 pm

    hello lovely! I am a hugefan of your blog and I visit every day to see if you post something new! I just want to say keep up the good work- you are inspirational, beautiful and amazing! please could you check out my blog: http://www.lilysbeautyroom.blogspot.co.uk/ thankyou

    • 2nd April 2014 / 6:40 pm

      Hi Lily, Thanks so much glad you like it! Your blog looks great, love the pretty header! XX

  6. 5th April 2014 / 12:36 am

    I have tried one set of these and do have another set waiting to be tried out but I don't tend to get on very well with stick on nails. The last time I tried them I think one had popped off within 24 hours and then I got bored and pulled all the others off!

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  7. 7th April 2014 / 4:53 am

    Awww…they are so cute! I use them a lot so I guess I got to have these designs.

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