In terms of clothes I have been looking my Nike Air Max’s both in the gym and just for normal casual wear. They’re comfy enough to run on the treadmill with them but also love them with rolled up jeans and a Tshirt when not in the gym.
I also got a new handbag this month which my mum has her eye on and I am sure will be stealing very soon. I was ooing and ahing over it for a while and weather to get the stone or black colour but since its summer I settled for the stone Fiorelli Mani Tote and I’m so glad I did. The colour is perfect and does with anything I wear over the next summer weeks, it’s also a great size; big enough but not too big. I can’t quite my laptop init but it’s the perfect size for everything else I require.
However still my favourite purchase is probably my Forever 21 sunglasses, yes they are a little diva-ish but I love them! The dark and chunky, statement glasses are perfect to cover up tired eyes but still look glamorous (and maybe a little OTT) and for under £5 I think they were quite a bargain!
My extra fashion favourite is gold band rings which I have been loving and wearing on almost every finger, they’re super affordable if you look in Primark, New Look and Forever 21 and just really help finish an outfit.
In terms of series I have been watching Orange is the new black which is a great one if you aren’t looking for anything too girly. It’s quite difficult to give it genre but IMDB say it’s a Crime Comedy and I think quite a nice one to watch with your partner.
What have been your non-beauty favourites this year?
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that bag is sooooo nice! x
That purse is lovely!!! I also love the makeup look your wearing in this video! I'd love to team up with you to do a combined post sometime in the future <3