5 Things To Do This Weekend #23

Credit: 1 &

1. Stay in bed with tea and a good book
It’s getting so cold outside and December will be crazy for the most of us, so have a lie in or stay in bed all day and read a good book, it might be the last chance you get until the new year!

2. Hang advent calendar
Can you believe advent starts in two days?! I’ve been spoilt with three calendars this year so I have no idea where I will be putting them. If you still don’t have one (what are you waiting for?!) check out my guide here and to watch me open my calendar daily subscribe here

3. Christmas candles
I’ve been burning my Yankee Christmas Candles for a while now, I think they’re fab for Christmas but theres no need to buy expensive ones instead buy a small size as you won’t want to be burning it past Christmas.

4.Make the most of the offers
Theres still some offers about and Black Friday Weekend Deals. Check out my picks here

5. Get wrapping 
After wrapping your first present I feel like Christmas is finally on it’s way and it’s made me want to carry on and finish my shopping. 


  1. 29th November 2014 / 12:46 pm

    Oh my gosh I can't wait to start wrapping my Christmas prezzies!!! Love the picture – did you take that? If so, you should do a creative wrapping techniques post!

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  2. 29th November 2014 / 12:57 pm

    I think I will do the stay in bed one 🙂

    I'm running a "Christmas" giveaway (lorac pro pallet+ the wet brush), if you're interested, check this link:
    little taste of heaven

  3. 29th November 2014 / 1:22 pm

    I have barely made a start with my Christmas shopping, I need to. Can't believe it's Decemeber in 2 days x


  4. 30th November 2014 / 10:10 pm

    I love these posts! I have training on a Sunday right in the middle of the day so can't relax but definitely always try to do at least one thing on your list! x


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