I haven’t blogged in almost ten days which is crazy considering that I was initially planning to blog every day of December.
It’s been a hard month for me blogging wise, I uploaded lots of new videos at the beginning of the month but soon became disheartened as they weren’t getting many views but that seems to be something that happened to most people as there were simply so many videos being uploaded on to YouTube because of Vlogmas. On top of that YouTube didn’t seem to be able to handle all the content being uploaded and some of the videos I made we’re processing properly therefore I felt like it was time wasted.
It seems that everything is moving over to video and YouTube is the done thing and although I love YouTube it’s something that I am really struggling to grow, I know everyone says the numbers aren’t important but in all honesty they are when it’s your job. YouTube requires so much work and I end up getting far less views then I do on my blog so it’s difficult to decide where to put my energy. I reached a point this month where I almost considered giving it all up and not blogging any more but I don’t think I would know how to live without it all so I’m giving it all another go and I hope that in 2016 I can feel a little more inspired to produce more content both for here and my YouTube. Theres no point me pretending my content is going to be new and original because there are so many people blogging/vlogging that very little feels original but instead I plan to put lots of hard work into producing something I am proud of.
To go along with that I have had a new layout designed by Phil from PipDig and moved over to WordPress (scary, but good I hope!). I love how clean it looks with just the simply turquoise accents and I’m hoping it will also help me fall back in love with my blog.
I’m sorry if this post was basically filled with random thoughts and feelings but I just wanted to fill you all in and have a bit of a chat.
Thank you so much for everyone that has supported me through 2015, you’re all truly amazing and I love you all so much! I’ve been doing this for so long and I remain surprised that so many of you still read and support ALO.
Most importantly I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, filled with love and happiness!
Lots and lots of love,
Sabrina X
PS. If you haven’t got any plans for this evening then you can catch up with my videos here and join me on Snapchat: Alittleobsessed
PPS. I’ll be back on at Midnight Boxing day with all the best sale deals!
I totally know what you mean about lack of views in December. I’ve noticed that Zoella’s and other popular vloggers videos have A LOT less views than normal. I think people are so busy with their own lives that they don’t have time to watch videos and read blogs. I know it can be disheartening, but keep going! I’ve thought about quitting so many times but I’m glad I haven’t! 🙂 Let me know how you like Word Press; I would love a review. I know a lot of bloggers use it but Blogger is free and so user-friendly. I haven’t convinced myself to make the switch yet.
XO Bri | Brianna Sullivan
It’s so easy to get down in the dumps about page views and numbers, I do it all the time. It’s almost impossible not to compare your self to other people that are doing ‘better’ but at the end of the day you should be so proud of how far YOU have come 😀 I love your blog design! PipDig do such an amazing job, I’ve just got a new design from them as well and I love it.
Emily xx
Hi Sabrina, I just wanted to let you know that I would be devastated if you gave up YouTube! You seem to be one of the few vloggers that give proper product reviews without just saying “This product is my favourite at the moment because I just really like it”. The amount of times i’ve heard that in a video! You go into detail about products and usually have a little story and you don’t sugar coat anything like with the latest trendy products you don’t just go along with everyone else and love it regardless of whether it actually does anything. You’re not afraid to say this popular product isn’t the best on me.
I love watching your videos and usually watch your vlogmas but actually went on holiday over December, which i think also contributes to the low viewing numbers of vloggers xmas vids.
Please don’t give up if YouTube is something you love to do. x
Aw such a lovely comment! I am so glad you enjoy my videos and I’ve actually started to really enjoy making them so fingers crossed there will be lots more! x