5 Things to do this weekend #7

1. Have a social media clear out- delete old unwanted photos (or make them private), reorganise, as well as remove and add friends. 2. Stack…

5 Must Haves on a City Break

I’ve spent the last few days in Paris (Post on that soon) so I thought I would share my top five must have items for…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #6

1. Stay in bed all morning- after all it was Valentine’s Day Yesterday! 2.  Follow LFW on their website and on Twitter (here) 3. Tired…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #5

1. Perfect your blow drying technique Earlier in the week I posted about my tips on how to blow dry your hair and all the…

The Saturday Post: 5 Things to do This Weekend #4

1. Treat yourself to a ‘duvet day’ and indulge in breakfast in bed. It seems like it has been raining for days (it has, hasn’t…

The Saturday Post: 5 things to do this weekend #3

1. Sort out your emails It seems a lot of you joined me last week in having a good laptop clear out and deleted all…

Sunday Catch Up 01

I’m always super jealous when I see peoples weekly round ups popping up and wish I had my own (both Lily and Lily do great…