August: Instagram Round Up

I don’t often do these Instagram posts but since I was away last month and shared a few holiday photos and outfits via Instagram I…

Chi Chi Clothing Giveaway

The lovely girls over at Chi Chi Clothing are giving my readers the chance to win a Chi Chi Dress (up to the value of…

August Wish List

Nike Air Max I mentioned in my July Favourites how much I love my Nike Air Max’s and I’ve been lusting over another pair for…

Outfit: Waterfall Garden Dress

 This Waterfall Garden Print Dress from Great Plains was one of those items that I like but sat in my wardrobe for far too long…

5 things to do this weekend #10

Links: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 1. Wear White Trousers For years I wouldn’t go near white trousers or jeans and…

Spring White Jeans & Floral Blouse // Outfit

 We’ve been having some decent weather here in London so I thought I would get my new white jeans out for the bank holiday weekend.…

My MyZine- A week in my Wardrobe

MyZine is a new website where bloggers can create their own magazine style page. Myself and some of my favourite fashion bloggers Caroline, Alex and…