Manicure Monday: 13 Nail Polishes of 2013

Since I recently shared my 13 favourite makeup products of 2013 I thought I would do the same for today’s Manicure Monday. Looking at the photo below there is a clear trend. The only sort of bright colours I like are blues and oranges but I particularly like browns and greys. 
Models Own Mushroom // Barry M Berry Cosmo // Barry M Mushroom // Barry M Gelly Lychee // Barry M Gelly Papaya ()// Bourjois Adora-bleu// Essie Tart Deco ()// Essie Go Ginza ()// Essie Bikini So Teeny// Nails Inc Baker St () // Nails Inc Porchester Square () // Morgan Taylor All White Now

I don’t have a huge Essie collection but Go Ginza, Tart Deco and Bikini so Teeny really stood out to me this year and I believe they were one of 5 nail polishes I took on holiday with me for five weeks. They are to me the perfect summer colours which really make a good tan look amazing. Other brighter favourite are Barry M Gelly in Papaya which has a beautiful glossy finish, Bourjois Adora-blue which is slightly paler than Bikini so Teeny and Nails inc Baker St which is an all year round favourite (did you know Beyonce wore it when Blue Ivy was born?!).

My go-to pale colours were Nails Inc Porchester Square (a must have in any collection), Barry M Mushroom which is the easiest to wear and Barry M Gelly in Lychee. In the winter I reached for Models Own Mushroom as although it’s dark it’s a little more flattering than black and Barry M Berry Cosmo for the same reason. Although I only discovered it towards the end of the year my favourite white is Morgan Taylor All White Now which was a life saver for all my Christmas Nails.

Which nail polish was your favourite during 2013? Have you tried any of my picks?

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  1. 6th January 2014 / 1:33 pm

    So many pretty nail polishes here. I love the blue shades and i never realised that Bourjois had such an amazing pastel blue shade. I should check this out next time i'm out. Cannot wait for the Spring time in order to embrace the Pastel shades again!

    Thanks for posting this~ I hope you have a lovely day! ^^ <3

    Ying ♥ || *- YingcBeauty-*
    X x X x X

  2. 6th January 2014 / 2:18 pm

    Always wanted to try Essie's Bikini so teeny! xx

  3. 6th January 2014 / 5:50 pm

    BarryM has to be the brand I have purchased the most in 2013. I love their colour selection & price point is spot on. Lychee is at the top of my 2014 to buy list

  4. 6th January 2014 / 7:06 pm

    I love porchester square and bikini so teeny! Must haves x I would have included more essie (sdnhidhnjdhundni they're so amazing) and a couple of butter london polishes but otherwise this list is perfection 🙂

  5. 6th January 2014 / 10:32 pm

    Nails Inc Porchester Square is doing the rounds it would seem. It certainly is a gorgeous colour, a perfect nude.
    Amy x A Little Boat Sailing

  6. 7th January 2014 / 12:40 am

    So many lovely nail vanishes. I done a recent blogpost on my favourite nail vanishes from 2013 x

  7. 7th January 2014 / 2:02 am

    I've really loved Essie's Carry On for the winter months and Chinchilly all year round! It's similar to Porchester square but a bit darker which is more to my taste. You have such a nice mix of colors here!

    Lovely Notions

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