5 Things to do this weekend #28

1. Try a new beauty brand
I love trying new beauty brands, especially one that I fall in love with. I recently shared some of my recommendations but I’d love to hear yours in the comments.

2. Spend one day lazing about and one day kick starting the new year
This weekend almost still counts as part of the holiday season which means it’s a great excuse to have one final lazy day. Use Sunday to kick start your year, have a clear out and make plans.

3. Buy a new notebook
I simply love a new notebook at the beginning of the year!

4. Pick a new year’s resolution
Although we are three days into 2015 it’s never too late to start bettering yourself or learning a new skill. If you haven’t picked a resolution for the year I have a few recommendations which you could consider.

5. Do some last minute sale shopping
I love sale shopping and I think you can always get some particularly good bargains a week into it but don’t leave it too late or there will be nothing left. Check out my tips here

What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. 3rd January 2015 / 1:14 pm

    I wasn't a big fan of BareMinerals before having a makeover a couple of months ago and now I love the brand, especially as they've a couple of new releases next month. I'm also loving Dr Organic at the moment, especially their shampoos, conditioners and shower gels!

    Mary // beautyonthecheap.net

  2. 3rd January 2015 / 2:37 pm

    Haha I also love buying new stationary at the beginning of the year! Heading to NYC in a couple of weeks so going to stock up on Kate Spade 🙂

    Josie XOXO
    Fashion Mumblr

  3. 3rd January 2015 / 4:50 pm

    I always love these posts of yours! My weekend will be filled with cleaning and catching up on sleep, this week has been a tad crazy, haha. Luckily, I hit all of the sales during the week!

    Beautyosaurus Lex 

  4. 3rd January 2015 / 5:46 pm

    Great post. I recieved a new notebook today, so I will be writing down all my organisational tips in there. I had a busy morning sorting out parcels, and shopping for new work trousers. This afternoon, I have had a sleep, which is unheard of for me, then I have written a blog post and now going to catch up on emails. Tomorrow I plan to watch films all day. Woop woop. Its good to feel on top of things and organised.


  5. 4th January 2015 / 1:14 am

    I completely agree with the sales shopping! I went a couple days after Christmas and there were still so many great things available.


  6. 4th January 2015 / 5:23 pm

    Love this post! I can't wait to hit Paperchase tomorrow when I'm back in London and pick up some new notebooks and stationary to keep me organised for the New Year! Hope to see you soon!

    Hayley xx


  7. 4th January 2015 / 7:12 pm

    I can tick off new notebook and sale purchase and notebook all in one- picked up a beautiful aqua number which was a Sainsbury's bargain, and in it I'm going to write down all my blog/youtube ideas. I have a big sort of 'umbrella' resolution which is to be a person I am proud of, with lots of categories under it, and I hope I can use them to keep me accountable 🙂

  8. 7th January 2015 / 8:56 pm

    my god those notebooks at the top are gorgeous!!! great post- I've definitely indulged in point number 2, a good 50% of the year so far has been spent lazing about! X

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