What to do on a Cold Weekend

As the weather gets colder (and today is freezing!) I am always looking for new things to do that don’t involve being outside/getting cold. I…

London Girl in Portugal Guest Post

When Charlotte offered to write a little guide to living abroad (in particular in Portugal) I had to say yes as I’m Portuguese myself. I…

Night of Luxury

Admittedly a sock post is a little strange, however I am a sock person. Some people like slippers or being bare foot but I love…

Heard it on the vine’s London restaurant picks

Although I am no longer on holiday, (I got back Thursday) I have a couple of guest posts still to share which due to my…

Book Review: Cupcakes & Cashmere

 Recently I’ve been loving lifestyle blog, I just love that I get fashion, beauty, food and more all in one place (which may be why…


Welcome to the new and improved (in my opinion at least) A Little Obsessed. I say new but it has been up for a few…

7 Eiffel Paris – Hotel Review

 I got a few questions on my Instagram asking about my stay in Paris and especially about the hotel I stayed at. I went to…