Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Admittedly I am a little over it all as I think I got a little excited too early, I had lots of halloween ideas planned which I never quite got around too but here is a round up of what I did do. Hopefully some of you will get a little inspired.

 If you have a party planned but have nothing to wear I would recommend my vampire makeup look as it’s super easy, scary whilst still being a little bit sexy. All you’ll need is a LBD, a cape (I’d recommend a children’s ones as they are shorter) and some fangs which you can pick up anywhere.
 This year I also turned my cousin into a devil and myself into a scary clown. I love halloween makeup!

 Last year I painted the above look for halloween but this year I went for something a little more fun

Keep an eye out on my Instagram for more halloween posts today!

What do you have planned for halloween? 
Have fun & stay safe

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  1. 31st October 2013 / 10:01 am

    I love your scary clown look and your nail art too! x


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