Hi- I hope you’re having a fabulous February, the start of spring is less than a month away which has me very excited!
Today I want to talk about my Great Length Hair Extensions as they got a lot of love on Instagram and I really wanted to share some in-depth information about them however before we get started I thought we’d touch on my previous hair extension experience.
In the past I have used Clip-ins, I think clip-ins are fab if you’re looking for a quick, more affordable option but the truth is that you shouldn’t wear them too often and they can be a pain to put in and take out, therefore they weren’t right for me. I have also had Micro-rings which although I loved the effect I found were quite hard to maintain and required more work that I was willing to commit. Which is why I though I would give tape in extensions a try…

On the 10th January 2020 I got my first (and current) set of Great Length Tape-in Hair Extensions (GL Tapes). Great Length also do Individual Bond extensions which I may try in the future but I was temped by the tape-ins as they’re quicker to apply and more affordable. I had mine put in my the fabulous Hadley Yates Hair in Hersheson, Harvey Nichols London.
The reason I wanted hair extensions wasn’t for length but for thickness. I have fine hair and I don’t think there is much I can do about it other than add extensions, I wanted just a nice little boast, mainly so that the ends didn’t look too straggly in photos but I do think that I may get a little length in the future as they’re perfect to add length too!
As I mentioned I had mine applied in Hersheson, Harvey Nichols (London) by Hadley Yates– the day before I had a quick consolation to talk about the colour, length and effect I wanted. I knew I didn’t want length but I wanted more thickness and also to add a bit of excitement to my colour as it was starting to look a little flat. The extensions arrive so quickly that the next morning I was able to go in get them installed.

Installation is pain-free, quick and easy- I got a wash and blow dry before Hadley applied the extensions. As the name suggests the extensions are applied using tape, and they sandwich your natural hair. Initially they’re put in a little longer and then cut so that they look natural. As I have colour in my hair and the ends are lighter than the roots I had to get a few different colours put in but the whole process took little over an hour, I was surprised by just how quick it was!

I left feeling super happy with my hair, the volume round the front was really great and exactly what I wanted! I did have about a half day were they were a little uncomfortable but nothing other than that. I am able to curl them and wash them just like I would my normal hair but I have been using the Great Lengths Shampoo and Conditioner which I’ve really been liking. As I got them just for volume I don’t have a whole head, there are actually only about 10 GL Tape Sandwiches. They’re lightweight and basically invisible which means they don’t add an extra hour onto my hair drying time and no one has really noticed them. They also hold a curl much better than my natural hair which means I have been washing and styling my hair far less.
I got a lot of questions about tying my hair up, at the beginning I can only really do a low pony but I love a low pony and it always looks chic so thats not an issue at all!
I have to be completely honest in this post as say that although I’m loving the extensions I am going to ask Hadley to put the in just slightly lower on my head. As I have very fine hair I did fine that on a couple of days towards the end the extensions right at the top of my head were noticeable by me, although I didn’t ever have anyone else not them. I think as with anything its a bit of a learning process to see what works for me and simply due to the balayage of my hair and the fineness I think slightly lower would work better.
Another important issue for me was how the hair was actually sourced, Great Lengths ethically source the human hair from a Hindu Temple in Tirumula, India- where people voluntarily donated their hair as an offering and a way of showing thanks. Great Lengths then pay a fair price for the hair and the money goes back into the community to fund education and medical aid. The hair is then purifies and colour treated in Italy. On top of that when the hair is finally removed it will be donated to Little Princess Trust Charity to make wigs for children who have lost theirs.

The big question I get (and I understand why) is how much does it cost? And the truth is I don’t really have an exact answer as it varies on the amount of hair you get, the length of the hair and the location you’re getting it installed but prices start from £250. They are reusable, up to three times depending on how well you look after them and you are paying for a premium product with a premium finish. Everyone I know that has had GL Tapes has been happy with their and they always look natural and beautiful.
Overall, super happy with the extensions! I’m getting them re-installed later this week and I’m hoping to have them in for a little while. I would also love to try Individual bonds, especially as my hair is so fine and I think they may work even better on my hair- when/if I do I’ll definitely report back.
Check out my Instagram for more on my reapplication of the extensions later this week.
Have you tried hair extensions?
(Hair extensions and application gifted by Great Lengths)